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Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tips Losing 10 lbs Safely and Quickly

Keep reading below for more tips losing 10 lbs. Another great article, this one about the safety of losing 10 lbs quickly.....

How to Lose 10 Lbs. Or More Quickly and Safely

As reported in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's recently published Calories Count - Report of the Working Group on Obesity, people who are overweight is a serious public health problem in the United States. Since the late 1980's, adult obesity has steadily and substantially increased in the United States. Today, 64 percent of all Americans weigh too much and over 30 percent are obese; in 1988 through 1992, fewer than 56 percent were overweight and fewer than 23 percent of American adults were obese.

The trends for children are even more worrisome. Recent research by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that 15 percent of children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 are overweight - double the rate of two decades ago. As Americans get heavier, their health suffers. Overweight and obesity increase the risk for coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. According to some estimates, at least 400,000 deaths each year may be attributed to obesity.

What people must know is that you can improve your health quickly with just a small amount of weight loss. "We know that physical activity along with reduced calorie consumption can lead to the 5 to 10 percent weight loss necessary to achieve remission of the obesity-associated complications," says William Dietz, M.D., Ph.D., director of the Division of Nutrition and Physical Activity at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

According to Ken Black, founder of, "losing one to two pounds a week is safe and recommended by most doctors for most people. This breaks down to 250 to 1,000 calories per day. You can achieve this easily if you follow some or all of the following guidelines" :

  1. Use skim milk instead of whole milk or cream in your coffee.
  2. Eat low fat yogurt instead of ice cream.
  3. Eat more bright colored (green, yellow, orange, red) fruits and vegetables.
  4. Eat more lean fish, chicken, or turkey and cut down on red meats.
  5. Eat whole wheat or multigrain bread, instead of white bread.
  6. Use a sugar replacement instead of sugar (avoid Aspartame).
  7. Drink water instead of soft drinks.
  8. When you eat out, avoid fried foods.
  9. Walk or do similar exercises (e.g. Golf, Tennis) at least 20 minutes a day.

If you do even just a couple of these every day for the next month, you'll feel much better and you will lose weight.

And if you are concerned about getting hungry all the time, or losing your energy, try taking a safe appetite suppressant, like Herbal Phentermine. This supplement is not to be confused with the drug Phentermine, which has side effects like stomach upset, dry mouth and sleeplessness. The herbal variety is a non-prescription medication and has been tested for years to be safe for most people. It contains ingredients like green tea, acetyl L-carnitine, alpha lipoic acid, biotin and others, that control your appetite, yet increase your metabolism and energy.

However, do not take any herbal supplement without checking with your Doctor first, if you are on any prescription medications, due to possible interactions between the two, or if you have a special medical condition.

If you follow these simple steps, you will surely reach your weight loss goals and become a much happier, healthier, and oh yes, lighter person.

Ken Black is the Founder of, a website dedicated to helping people lose weight.

Article Source:

Friday, May 14, 2010

Weight Loss Tips Losing 10 lbs on the French Diet

Another good tips losing 10 lbs article about a diet called the french diet. Check it out below....

French Diet - Lose 10 Pounds In 2 Weeks

Author: Alen Green

It is a 14 day diet which will help you to lose 10 pounds and normalize metabolism.
Major rules:
Exclude from your menu salt, sugar, alcohol, bread and others products made of flour.
Menu can't be changed because only this sequence of foods will normalize and speed up metabolism.

The first day:
Breakfast - black coffee without sugar.
Lunch - two boiled eggs, carrot salad made of 2 big carrots and mixed with one teaspoon of olive oil, a tomato.
Dinner - a piece of low-fat boiled meat with carrot salad.

The second day:
Breakfast - black coffee without sugar, 2 toasts.
Lunch - a piece of boiled meat.
Dinner - a small piece of ham or boiled low-fat sausage, carrot salad.

The third day:
Breakfast - black coffee without sugar, 2 toasts.
Lunch - carrots fried in vegetable oil, a tomato, a mandarin or an orange.
Dinner - two boiled eggs, low-fat sausage, carrot salad.

The fourth day:
Breakfast - black coffee without sugar, 2 toasts.
Lunch - one boiled egg, 2 fresh carrots, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese.
Dinner - fruit salad made of any fruits and low-fat organic yogurt.

The fifth day:
Breakfast - carrots mixed with lemon juice.
Lunch - 150 g of boiled fish, a tomato.
Dinner - a small piece of boiled meat.

The sixth day:
Breakfast - black coffee.
Lunch - boiled chicken without skin, carrot salad.
Dinner - a small piece of boiled meat.

The seventh day:
Breakfast - a cup of tea.
Lunch - small piece of boiled meat, fruit.
Dinner - a low-fat ham or sausage.

The eighth day - as the first. The ninth day - as the second. The tenth - as the third. The eleventh - as the fourth. The twelfth day - as the fifth. The thirteenth - as the sixth. The fourteenth - as the seventh.

During this diet it is recommended to drink only non-carbonated mineral water or boiled water.
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Article Source:

About the Author: Alen J Green is a dietician expert who writes about Healthy Diets and Healthy Eating. For a limited time only you can receive High Quality Diet Plans on his website

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Weight Loss Tips - Losing 10 lbs A Week

Good article for about weigth loss tips losing 10 lbs a week. Check it out...

Lose 10 Pounds a week - Tips for "Quick Fix" Weight Loss

Author: Gill Chandler

You have just one week to go until that special event when you need to get into that great outfit that you have bought for the occasion. You have almost left it too late to shed those extra pounds that have crept on, but the good news is, there are things you can do to help you to lose those stubborn pounds.

Here are some ways that can help you to become 10 pounds lighter in just a matter of days.
1. You can lose 10 pounds a week by drastically cutting your carbohydrate intake to an absolute minimum. Eat lots of fruit and raw vegetables instead of eating bread, pasta, rice or any carbohydrate rich food. These all have plenty of fibre, so will make you feel full.

2. Stay away from processed foods of any kind, these usually contain high levels of salt which will make you retain a lot of water in your body. Try and eat lean meat or beans to get your protein.

3. Drink lots of liquid, especially water. This will help your digestion and detoxify your body. It will also help you to feel full between meals. It is a good idea to have a large glass of water before a meal, as this will take the edge of your appetite so you will not feel the need to eat so much. Water is the best thing to drink as it contains no calories or hidden chemicals.

4. Increase your exercise levels. If you normally exercise three times a week, try and do some every day. This will obviously be very tiring, but it will hopefully be worth the extra effort in order to lose those pounds in the soonest time possible. Some studies have shown that a short routine works better than a longer one. So if you want to lose 10 pounds a week, you can break up your entire 40 minute exercise routine to 4 segments of 10 minutes each or 2 sets with 20 minutes each.

This is going to be quite a challenge, but if you follow these simple steps with dedication, your efforts will surely pay off and you will achieve your goals of losing 10 pounds a week. Remember that this is only a “quick fix” routine suitable for the lead up to a special occasion and not for the long-term as it could be dangerous for your health.

Article Source:

About the Author: Gill Chandler has put together a complinetary report that will help you to achieve the body you desire and improve your health. To download it instantly, please visit